Results: Day 156 on Isagenix!Β 

I got this Fitbit badge today (I don’t mention how much I love my Fitbit enough 😍)!

So, 156 Days on Isagenix and I’ve lost:

61.1lbs, 61.25″ and 10% body fat! Woot! 😊

I’ve also started my 2nd Isabody Challenge.  Killed the first with 40lbs and 38″ lost, so I’ve started my second. With nothing to lose but more weight, it’s a great way to stay accountable and motivated! There’s also a great Challenge community on Facebook who are nothing but supportive and helpful.

I have also realized I haven’t used any antacid or Advil since starting Isa in January as it is no longer necessary!

New Discoveries

I have discovered the joy of the non-food reward. When I hit 50lbs lost, I decided to reward myself with non-food items from Kate Spade (always wanted a Kate Spade bag). So, I took advantage of her “surprise sale” that was online at the end of May. I wouldn’t have paid retail for these and was lucky enough to get pieces in black!

Even though they cost more money than food, they cost me less physically and the gratification lasts so much longer than a piece cheesecake!

I also upgraded my Fitbit from the One to the Charge HR (in plum) and I love the heart rate monitor feature! More stats to pour over and improve (this nerd girl loves her gadgets)!

Now for some recipes (aka food porn with mediocre photos)!

As usual, most of these were posted on MyFitnessPal Blog:

First up: Grilled Fish Tacos & Honey Dijon Cabbage Slaw


I didn’t use corn/flour tortillas but found these delicious Super Green Wraps from a local company here in Toronto called Live Organic Raw! They were so good! πŸ˜›

Next up: Garlic Butter Shrimp and Quinoa

In the pan…

Ready to eat!

Why it doesn’t look like the picture in the recipe:

And finally: Baked Egg Stuffed Tomatoes (with a side of avocado and Eatsmart Wild Greens and Quinoa salad)

In closing, I wanted to address exercise. When I started Isa in January, I didn’t exercise for my first month on the program/system. I just wanted to see if I could handle the nutritional plan before I added anymore factors.  But since February I’ve been maintaining a Monday – Friday regimen in the morning before work. Nothing too onerous. Now I think it’s worth pushing yourself especially if you’re only going to work out for about 20-30 minutes at a high intensity so I’ve been doing Jillian Michaels DVDs at home in the morning.

Started with Beginner Shred,


Jillian Michaels 'Beginner Shred' DVD


Then progressed to 30-Day Shred

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

Now I’m onto Shred It with Weights and Kickbox FastFix

Jillian Michaels 'Shred It w/ Weights' DVD



Jillian Michaels 'Kickbox FastFix' DVD

After I’m finished my month of those, I’ll do Ripped in 30

Jillian Michaels 'Ripped in 30' DVD

I really have reevaluated how I exercise. Back in the day (when I was fitter), I would spend 1-3 hours at the gym 3-4 days a week. I was doing too much cardio, not enough weights/strength building and the occasional class and I wasn’t seeing the results I am today.

I truly believe in the value of high intensity interval training (aka HIIT), and Jillian’s 3-2-1 interval system is essentially that and right up my alley. I don’t pay attention to her diet/nutritional plan as Isagenix is right for me, but she doesn’t mess around with her workouts and she gets you results.

So if you can manage to push yourself for 20-30 minutes and don’t want to bother with a gym membership, I’d recommend her stuff. You’ll only need a yoga/exercise mat and a couple of hand weights to get started.

And if you can’t handle what she dishes out, just get out and walk! A Fitbit is a great motivator and accessory for fitness walking or casual walking, you name it!

And always remember:


2 thoughts on “Results: Day 156 on Isagenix!Β 

  1. Again, you have exceeded everything that I hoped Isagenix would help you with. You are truly inspiring. I’m going to share your blog with a few people if you’re okay with that. Congrats Yovanka πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Donna! Please share it. It’s on the web as a public offering and it keeps me accountable and helps me move forward and keep the past in the past! πŸ™‚ thanks for all your support!!


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